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I you have read all the benefits that this discipline brings you but that you can not or do not have time to go to class, do not worry.
There are procedures that you must take at any time of the day.
In this article, we cover how to do yoga at home.
Is it possible to do yoga at home?
You have the opportunity to exercise your mind and body at home, without having to pay an instructor or adjust to your schedule. It is important that you establish a routine and respect it, and that you get involved in your decision to practice yoga at home.
Here are 12 tips for practicing yoga at home:
1. Set your goals for practicing yoga:
Why do you want to practice yoga? Perhaps you are looking for a physical activity that you like, have you read that it serves to improve the flexibility of muscles, you need a quiet routine to eliminate stress, and are looking for something that will help you cure a disease or find the path to peace or full realization. Once you have answered the initial question, try to find out what you want to achieve with this practice, which is what your intentions are.
2. Obtain the necessary materials to practice yoga:
The difference of doing yoga at home and in an academy is that in the former case you will have to acquire the necessary elements. At least you will need a mat. You may need a blanket to cover yourself at the end of class, a small pillow to support your head, a block, and a few belts. All of these materials are sold in sports stores. You can also use your imagination and look for items that can replace them.
3. Determine the class time for practicing yoga:
One of the most common problems when choosing to exercise at home is that we always have a lot of other things to do. So we postpone it. Don’t make that mistake. If you note in the agenda that on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 5 to 6 pm you have a yoga class, complete it. Save everything else for later.
4. Prepare the place of yoga practice:
You need to do yoga in a comfortable place, such as the bedroom. The important thing is that no one is disturbing you, and no one is interrupting you so that you can focus. The mobile and the phone are switched off or disconnected. Try to train when no one is home or when they are sleeping. So you won’t get calls all the time. There should be enough space not only to place the mattress, but also to stretch the legs and arms up and down and to the sides. If desired, you can add incense or candles, as well as music
5.Increase the frequency of your practice:
One of the best ways to deepen your yoga practice is to increase the number of days you do. You can safely increase the frequency up to 5 to 7 days a week. If you make yoga part of your daily routine, its positive effects may benefit your physical and mental health.
6.Yoga clothing:
Always try to wear loose, comfortable clothing, for example, do not wear tight clothing that may prevent you from doing some stretching exercises. Remove anything that might bother you while doing some exercises such as a wristwatch, ring, or other jewelry, and it is best for women to avoid wearing any heavy makeup during yoga so that the facial pores can breathe well.
7. Don’t do yoga alone:
If you are doing yoga at home, by watching a DVD or home training book, it is preferable that you sometimes join lessons or request a professional trainer escort, because it is important to monitor someone who is qualified to train you, just learning from books or tapes is not enough because only a trainer who sees your training can help you correct your movements and positions, which cannot be observed when training alone
8. Structure the practice:
Even if you start doing yoga at home, you must have an exercise program. A lot of people will say that they are going to start doing something and then quite simply because they haven’t planned everything. Establish a weekly exercise plan that shows where and when you will exercise. We recommend that you do this on a weekly basis, as some things might pop up that waste your time. You can then reschedule it at a later date instead of missing it completely. We’ve found this to be one of the best ways to stay on track when trying to maintain a regular exercise program. Also start with three times a week and as you get stronger (and more motivated) you can increase the number of times you do the exercises in a week.
9.Find out what works for you :
Yoga has many different forms of exercise that can be exercised, certainly one goal is to reach a state of deep relaxation, but some people may find their comfort in one exercise, so check out the different exercises and try out to reach a range of your favorite exercises.
10. Add more days to practice yoga:
If you started with it twice a week, it goes to three, then four, and even five or six. For example, you can go on Sunday to rest. If you do yoga and it is part of your daily routine, you will get many benefits on a general level.
11. Maintain consistent practice:
Keep setting new goals for yourself, based on your progress. The challenge must never disappear, nor the commitment and desire to improve every day.
12: Preach by example to practice yoga:
As is commonly said, try to evangelize the benefits of yoga with your word. When someone praises your body or vitality, admit that this is due to this practice. Don’t hesitate to recommend that your loved ones do so too. They can organize classes together!
We hope you enjoy these 12 tips for practicing yoga at any time of the day. We want your feedback and suggestions to help us improve our ideas. Thank you and have a good day!
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